About Dave


Hello, my name is Dave Zenker.  I’m a Texas CPA.  I’m an auditor.  Ladies… I hate to break your heart…but.. I’ve got someone. 🙂Texas CPA

To any and all persons seeking to hire highly qualified financial employees.  I recommend that you seek out and make an insanely generous offer to a Texas CPA.  We’re highly prized assets given our near perfect business sense, acumen and virtual infallibility.  When you approach such an individual, make certain you lead with your very best offer.  It is the ONLY way for you to achieve the success that you so richly deserve. 

I’ve got a lot going on, some of which is auditing, some of which is not.  For those that are interested in learning more about me, please see my LinkedIn profile.  It’s up to date.

While you’re there, please be sure to request to connect.  I’m an open networker.  You should be too.  The more people you’re connected with, the more juice you have.

Dave Zenker Linked In Access


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